Limited Time Novated Lease Offer

Renault Megane E-Tech

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Limited Time Offers End In:

From $196 Per Week
Estimated tax savings of $30,313 over 5 years.
Only. On. A. Novated Lease.

*Net weekly cost calculation assumptions include the following for a fully maintained novated lease: Annual salary $100,000, 5 year lease term, 15,000 annual kms, Residual Value Percentage of 28.13%.


Renault Megane E-Tech

Fully Maintained Novated Lease

Get Offer

What's Included?

- Comprehensive Insurance
- Fuel/Charging
- Registration
- Tyres

- Roadside Assist
- Finance
- Servicing

LIMITED OFFER: $1,000 Cashback on Renault Megane E-Tech models for a limited time, exclusively through The Novated Lease Company™

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Complete the form to request a free novated lease quote today!

Expect a response within 2 business hours.
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