Self Managed
Novated Lease

The freedom to find the best Novated Lease deal yourself.

What is a Self-Managed Novated Lease?

A Self-Managed Novated Lease offers you the flexibility to choose the best deal on a car lease, and your employer the chance to try an ace alternative. This option allows you to enjoy competitive pricing and interest rates that suit your needs, rather than being limited to the rates chosen by your employer’s provider.

Want to take advantage of our Novated Lease offers, but your employer uses a different provider?

Sounds like a Self-Managed Novated Lease is right for you...

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How does a Self-Managed Novated Lease work?

A Self-Managed Novated Lease works by allowing you to arrange vehicle financing independently, so you can secure a competitive rate and price that align with your budget. Once financing is in place, your employer’s salary packaging administrator manages the ongoing administration.

Fully Maintained Vs Self-Managed Novated Lease

A Fully Maintained Novated Lease is managed entirely by your employer's chosen provider, covering all aspects like vehicle finance, servicing, maintenance, insurance, and fuel in one agreement.

In contrast, a Self-Managed Novated Lease gives you the flexibility to source your own vehicle financing independently, allowing you to secure competitive rates and prices that better fit your budget and preferences. While your employer’s novated lease provider handles ongoing administration, you gain greater control over financing terms and interest rates, helping you optimise your lease to suit your individual needs.

The Process of a Self Managed Novated Lease

1. Get a Quote:

Request a free quote (which can be done here) for your chosen car.

2. Agree and Approve:

The Novated Lease Company will set up the vehicle's finance, helping you get the finance application approved.

3. Employer's Provider:

Now just take the completed contract to your employer’s Novated Lease administrator or HR department to set up your payroll deductions.

Get a free quote for a Novated Lease to see how much you can save on a car.

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